Monday, January 21, 2008


OK, seriously!?! A month, 4 weeks, since I created this thinking, "I am going to do this, I am going to lose weight" and instead I gain 6lbs and neglect myself? Well no more!

Last week I had had enough. YMCA membership wasn't working, it is a 30 minute roundtrip to germfest and also involves dragging the kids along and disrupting our lives. Who wants to do that? Not me.

Our little local gym won't work as I refuse to pay $70ish/month for it.

So, Curves you win! But who's the real winner? Me, that's who.

As soon as I can bring myself to ask for my measurements I will post them, along with the "before" shot (with my head cropped out of the picture).

I will be happy to look at myself in the mirror by spring! If not, then I'm just going to break every mirror in the house and eat chocolate morning, noon, and night.