Thursday, July 17, 2008

Can I Outsource Potty Training to India?

I do not understand why everything else can be outsourced but not potty training. I guess if I could afford a nanny then that would be outsourcing and since they go to daycare that is part time outsourcing.

Being that I like to be in control I have made some major mistakes when I hear Izzy tell me, "Mommy, I pooped my pants you change me now." First off, DUH, I know you pooped your pants because you made sure to position your stinky butt right in front of me as you did the deed, funny that you think I didn't notice. Secondly, if you are old enough to tell me you are old enough to do your business on the potty.
UGH! Kids are funny and annoying all at once.
So we have gone from holding in the poop, to pooping regularly to now being terrified of a toilet - yeah Daddy kind of told her that the poop goes all the way to the ocean where the monsters eat it. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?! Gee wonder why she doesn't like the toilet?
These days you would never believe me when I tell you that when she was two (pre-Ashton) she used to LOVE to sit on the potty with her basket of books, reading to herself for a long while, well after she had dropped the "kids int the pool." All of that was her choice.
So yes, new baby, new daycare with preschool and now we're in a power struggle BUT I think we are almost over a hurdle with this whole process. Pee training is done but the whole poop situation is a mess! Pun intended.

Two books are sitting on my doorstep right now waiting to be read and adored by a poop-in-the-potty-resistant 3 year old little girl!