Monday, April 21, 2008

Driver please!

Yeah, so today I realized I need a limousine. No, I don't want it to be seen about town. I only want it so I can have that window between my children and I. As I ponder this I realize this would be really cool and oh-so-helpful to have in my Saturn Vue.

Recently I have begun my 40 minutes of commuting per day in the company of my children, some days that is great but most I just want to jab my eardrums out with icepicks! If it isn't the 7mo old crying because he wants to be held, he loves me - who wouldn't? It is my 3 year old asking me to pick up whatever it is the princess has dropped, and if it doesn't happen NOW she'll scream, and I do mean scream and kick and become Queen of Brats everywhere! It is not nearly as fun or relaxing as my commutes were just 7 short weeks ago.

So, if anyone from Saturn is reading, please give my 2010 version of your 3 row passenger SUV flex fuel and a tinted mommy window, I want that sound proofed too please! Maybe give me a view panel so I can make sure no one is choking on a McNugget. And please, make that an option in emerald green.

Dream over! :)

1 comment:

Diane said...

Love it! LOVE IT! Cracks me up. I can't wait to read your stuff. I love your dream car. Tell Saturn I'd buy one, too!