Saturday, June 28, 2008

Funny Kid Izz

Izzy's top 3 funnies in the past 24 hours:

"Hm, I have an idea" drops trow and then proceeds to drop a deuce in a green sand bucket on the back patio, in broad daylight. Once done she proceeds to strip and run around the backyard like a crack monkey and dingle berries falling off left and right. I got out the house, bathtime should always be that easy!

I go into Isabel's room to find her awfully quiet, I ask her, "Did you poop your pants?" Izzy replies "No Mommy. You may leave now." Cool.

Proving competition will always exist between brother and sister my daughter was upset that her baby brother was peacefully sleeping in his car seat and she proclaims, "No fair! I want a nap too!!!!" And then fell asleep. Once I picked my jaw up I silently said thank you sweet Jesus! I can now make nap time a competition for compliance, WOO HOO!

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